How to open/show the details (form) of two or more rows (list) in new tabs?
On this screen you see the details of the selected shipment in the list, on the tab page next to it (Edit/add). When you select another row, you see the details from that shipment. What if we want to have a new tab with the details of another shipment next to the shipment that is already selected? So we would like to see the details of more than one row at the same time.
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Hi Saskia,
There's a way of opening the same subject twice and putting them side by side which I think does fulfill your wish. When you have opened Shipments, you could select Shipment again from the menu but this time hold the Ctrl key before clicking the menu item. This way the subject will be opened twice.
Thereafter you could drag the tab page to the desired position. It would look a bit like this:
Same subject open side by side
I hope this helps you in achieving your wish!
Kind regards, Mark Jongeling
Create a second reference but based on a different value. You probably need to create a new column to do this. This could be an expression column where you have a value based on the initial reference, something like: (id + 1). Then you also need to create a screen type to support this.
Saskia, this is what Mark means.
@Mark Jongeling Thanks! I knew the ALT option for a pop-up screen, but not this one and this indeed is the one I needed.
Now I only have to solve the problem that the detail tiles open a new tab on the ‘shipment’ level and not on the detail level of the shipment(s).
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