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I've updated my SSMS to the newest version and uninstalled the previous version.
Whenever I edit a template in the external editor by pressing on the little pencil in the SF (Functionality screen) it now tried to start an even older version of SSMS which I didn't even know was still installed :p
I uninstalled that ancient SSMS as wel hopin that the SF would pick up mu new SSMS but now it wants to use mySQL workbench 😁

Can I help SF to find the correct editor?

Hi Alban,

The External opening of code happens based on the default app associated with the extension. So for .sql files, that usually is either Azure Data Studio or SSMS.

In Windows, open the start menu and search for Default apps. Then change the default app for the .sql extension to the one you like most 😄


First of all @Mark Jongeling you are really super fast!!!!
And secondly, I should have known that it was a windows setting 🙄

