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I am trying to get the IAM language description updated, but I cannot figure out how. Some descriptions are not user friendly yet, so I have corrected them in the SF.


SF Application language

I have synced one of our applications with the product IAM, assuming that this would control the languages available there, but when opening the menu there, I see the old result still. ex: bs-BA


IAM languages

The situation is based on 2025.1.

Hi Mark,

This screen shows an overview of all used application languages over all applications. Due to differences that can occur like the description of the application language, the view uses a max() and group by to get a distinct list of application lanuguages. It then can happen it shows a different data that you would have expected.

For the specific model/branch, the application language data is correct. But it may not be visible in this screen.

To make sure the correct data is shown, all synced branches should have these application language data changes.
