Hello WB9,
There is no need for every client to install the entire Software Factory and all databases, if they don't develop, but only use the end product.
All you need is a shortcut to the IAM application on the client's desktop with the appropriate INI file, the IAM has to be located in a location that can be reached by the client and the users have to be setup in IAM itself.
Also, IAM requires an Indicium that is up and running to be able to run properly.
More information about setting up the windows GUI can be found here: https://docs.thinkwisesoftware.com/docs/deployment/windows_gui
More information about setting up IAM, applications and users can be found here: https://docs.thinkwisesoftware.com/docs/iam/iam_general
More information about setting up Indicium can be found here: https://docs.thinkwisesoftware.com/docs/deployment/indicium
Hopefully this answers your question. If it doesn't, please inquire further