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Yesterday I updated the Windows GUI from GUI_2023.3.12.0 to GUI_2024.1.12.0
Today a user complained that his process flow is no longer sending out an email and issues this error:

Any ideas?
In the meanwhile I'll try to see if it is reproducable in an earlier version of the GUI.

If I would have to guess, the name parameter is not given a value

If I would have to guess, the name parameter is not given a value

weird thing is that nothing changed except the GUI.
Could it be that the older GUI version didn't mind?

I'm not sure what the process flow does. You do mention emailing, could it be that you are using the SMTP connector but the name parameter was not supplied a value?

I would have to see the stack trace to have a good guess of what is happening, can you reproduce this with executionmode = developer in the INI?

ohhh ik zie wel dat ik op mijn systeem wel meer info te zien krijg dan op de pc van de gebruiker.
Ik ga even puzzelen..

voor de volledigheid is dit de complete error die ik te zien krijg.
Zo te zien is het niet persé het mailen maar het genereren van het CR report dat als bijlage aan de mail toegevoegd word.

Het argument name mag niet null zijn.
Parameternaam: name

Stack trace:
   bij System.Data.DataColumnCollection.get_Item(String name)
   bij System.Data.DataRow.GetDataColumn(String columnName)
   bij Thinkwise.Shared.EditableDataRow.set_Item(String columnName, Object value)
   bij Thinkwise.TSFComponents.TaskReport.FileExportToken.CopyOutputToParameterRow(EditableDataRow parameterRow)
   bij Thinkwise.TSFComponents.TaskReport.ReportExportInvocation.EndInvoke()
   bij Thinkwise.TSFComponents.TSFReporter.BeginExport(FileInfo fi, DataRow parameterRow, IApplicationLogicConnection connection, TSFReport report, TSFController contextController)

Indeed Alban, let's keep it English on here for fellow Community members. 

It looks like some development has been done on this front. Can you check the Report parameter that is assigned to the Report property Export path? That might cause this problem to occur when empty.

If that is also not it, please create a ticket for this. 

Indeed Alban, let's keep it English on here for fellow Community members. 

It looks like some development has been done on this front. Can you check the Report parameter that is assigned to the Report property Export path? That might cause this problem to occur when empty.

If that is also not it, please create a ticket for this. 

Ohh sorry, must have been really stressed that I forgot to keep it English :p

I wasn’t able to fix this but when I tried to use v2024.1.10.0 Windows GUI it does work correctly.
Not sure what changed between 2024.1.10 and 2024.1.12 that broke it.

“Can you check the Report parameter that is assigned to the Report property Export path”
Where do I look for it?

Hi Alban,

If it works in .10 but not in .12, please create a ticket so our Windows GUI team can take a look. I do remember they worked in this area which might accidentially caused this to happen.

The report property can be found here:

SF > Processes > Reports > Report parameters > Select the correct parameter > From: Property

Example illustration



SF > Processes > Reports > Report parameters > Select the correct parameter > From: Property


There is no Export path selected:


Then I have a feeling this is indeed the GUI error I was referring to. Creating a ticket will help resolve it, thanks!

Until resolved, you can continue using version 2024.1.10.

Then I have a feeling this is indeed the GUI error I was referring to. Creating a ticket will help resolve it, thanks!

Until resolved, you can continue using version 2024.1.10.

I'll try to make a ticket but I can't do that with my credentials.
When I logon to the tcp I only see software and no other options.
I can logon with Peter his credentials but he no longer works with us so his email no longer exists ;)
Who should I contact to resolve the permission settings for my logon?

Try again, my colleague added you to the correct user group 

logged in the tcp

logged in the tcp

Any feedback on this? I get this exact same error with a HTTP connector flow. 

logged in the tcp

Any feedback on this? I get this exact same error with a HTTP connector flow. 

I've checked this morning what the current status is in TCP:


This ticket has been processed in version 2024.1.14.0, which became available on 05/03/2024.