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I have something weird.

My form consists of several groups and currently they are shown eiter next to eachother or on seperate tabs depending on the width of the form.
My form is height enough to show at least the first 2 groups in the first column but TW decided to show them on seperate tabpages:


Both groups easily fit together on the first tabpage

The weird part is that according to Subjects in the SF there isn't a group called Transport for this view:

I suspect that the implied break in the above screenshot causes my issues?
For the record, there should be a new group there. But somehow it disappeared.
When I reinstate the transport group the result in the app is still the same.


When I do this:


Long story short…. Help…
Can someone explain to me what is happening here?
Feels like some bits fell down in the database… :)

Hey Alban,

Just to be sure, disable the Prefilter "Possibly visible”, or all of them to be sure. It may be because a Hidden field is causing the effect you're experiencing.

Hey Alban,

Just to be sure, disable the Prefilter "Possibly visible”, or all of them to be sure. It may be because a Hidden field is causing the effect you're experiencing.

ohhh wow…
That took me by surprise :p

