Short question, but since the latest upgrade of the SF the step in page ‘Generate Source Code’
This step sometimes takes around 15 minutes. I can’t explain why, since we do not have a crazy amount of ‘Functions’ in the code group: 14. All quite simply functions as well, e.g. get usr_id, get_date
Any thoughts on why this specific step (other are crazy fast!) takes so long, and what can be done to fix it?
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We experience this as well (though since well before the last version)
Hey Blommetje,
Do you also experience the same duration when generating the code group Functions? Any indication on the database which query might be the issue?
The only thing I think that could take long is the magic-replacement of parameters used in templates. Do you have any function that either has many parameters of has many replacement for one single parameter?
No, it appears the code group under Functionalities seems to work ok. It only takes seconds. I do not have any replacements in play here.
When you encounter the same trouble, could you inspect the Activity monitor of SQL Server using SSMS? The Active Expensive Queries should then show the exact query that is taking quite long. You can then right click the running query and inspect the code. This is important to us in determining the possible cause. You can also try a exec tsf_optimize query to ensure it is not an index or statistics issue.
Another recommendation I can give, if available, is to activate the Query store for the Software Factory database. This will collect several queries and used plan that can help when encountering problems. (Right click the database in SSMS > Properties > Query store > Set "Operation Mode (Requested)” to Read / Write)
Query store activation
Hi Mark,
Tried it. The Functions took about 11 minutes. The query that was shown this time (and that I timed) is;
insert into #lines select iif(replace(ltrim(rtrim(replace(t.value, CHAR(13), ''))), char(9), '') = '', '', replace(t.value, CHAR(13), '')), t.ordinal, p.order_no from dbo.string_split_ordinal(@template_code, char(10)) t left join #template_parmtrs p on t.value like '%\'' + p.parmtr_id + '\]%' escape '\' where not exists (select 1 from #template_parmtrs p2 where t.value like '%\'' + p2.parmtr_id + '\]%' escape '\' and (p2.occurrence_count > p.occurrence_count or (p2.occurrence_count = p.occurrence_count and p.parmtr_id > p2.parmtr_id)))
However, in a split second I thought I also saw; Not entirely sure.
select @code_file_generated_code = string_agg(po.prog_object_generated_code, '') within group (order by po.order_no, po.prog_object_id) from prog_object po outer apply (select ex.prog_object_id from get_excluded_prog_objects(po.model_id, po.branch_id) ex where ex.prog_object_id = po.prog_object_id) excl where po.model_id = @model_id and po.branch_id = @branch_id and po.code_file_id = @code_file_id and po.prog_object_generated_code is not null and po.generated_code_stale = 0 -- Must be not stale and (@only_selected = 0 or po.selected = 1) and excl.prog_object_id is null
Does this make any sense?
To me it does, but understandly it's quite cryptic to others The first code is responsible for replacing program object item parameters occurrences with the parameter value. The second piece of code combines all program objects’ code to become a code file.
To really debug this well we most likely will need a SF database backup and reproduce the issue. Could your create a TCP ticket for this? Our support team can then look into this.
Opened a ticket in tcp for follow up.
To be continued!
Since this is also reported as a ticket I will close this topic.