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In Excel you have the option to use freeze panes to keep certain rows and/or columns always visible.

Is there a way in Thinkwise to keep the first couple of columns always visible in a grid?

I would assume to find this within Subject>Components>Grid, but can't find it there.

Hi Roy,

The GUI's currently don't have functionality to pin rows. Could you make an idea of this?

Alternatively you can create a separate screen that shows rows with a certain value that you can set by a task; think about it like starring a row.


You are able to pin(/lock) columns to the start of the grid on the Settings tab of the Subject:

Subjects > Settings - Grid formgroup

The first X number of columns as specified in Subjects > Components > Grid will then be locked and will always stay visible when scrolling with the horizontal scrollbar

Pinning rows is not possible 
