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I'm trying to include a formatted tooltip on a translation. I've seen that HTML-formatting is (or at least was) possible. Unfortunately in my current environment (2021.1 and Windows GUI) this doesn't seem to work.

Tooltip in action

Just tried to include </br>, which result is better, but still not an unordered list:

Am open to receive suggestions to formatting (un)ordered lists.
And if not all formatting is supported to know which ones are.

A subset of HTML is used, this means that basic format options like bold and italic will work. List however is not supported. I’ve created a wish to change the documentation to show all supported options. 

Perhaps you could format your tooltip like this: 

Which will result in something like this: 


Thanks Erwin,

Is there also an option to show an image in the tooltip? And is this image then stored on the database, or should it be a reference to an image on the web?

I've already created an idea to have more options.

Images are not currently supported. Creating an idea would be my next suggestion, good to hear you already did this! 

Exactly the same thing I struggled with the tooltip in the scheduler extender. There's an option to enable HTML-formatting in a tooltip. Tried several things but to no avail. 

I upvoted your idea