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In a CRM tool we are developing, we have a list of deals with deal_stages. 
In order to show them in a kanban style I created 6 variants f, one for each stage.It looks like this:

Now you see search and filters on top that of course works on the main document (the deals) but they do not affect the detail variants. The consequence is that if you want to filter only the only items, you need to filter 6 times. If you want to search for a specific deal, you need to search 6 times, etc. 

is there a way this can be done in a better way? 

As far as I know, there is no way of applying a filter dynamically to lower details, is there? 



Hi ​@tiago,

Unfortunately, there is currently no formal option available for this. This might be resolved in the future with table-valued functions, but these are not yet supported in this context. While there isn’t a specific Community idea I can point you to, I can assure you that this is on our radar.

In the meantime, you could consider adding an actual field in the main document where you can provide your input (similar to what we do in the SF "Code search" screen), and prefilters in the detail screens that respond to this input field.

Does this help for now?

I know one of our other Customers has a similar screen setup in which they try and filter multiple Details of Details. It’s indeed not easy to do this in a user friendly manner.

@Mark Plaggenborg would you be willing to share how you guys have setup this kind of solution and to what extend it is satisfactory for your use case?

Related idea:

Providing a filter as input for a TVF input parameter and mapping this parameter via a detail reference to a child TVF input parameter would allow you to propagate the filter literal to child entities.

@Arie V Our situation is filtering down to get to an end result, while ​@tiago seems to want to apply the “Combined filter” to applied to all details as well.

Even though a process flow has no starting point from a Filter, but this idea I proposed might have made a different solution workable if you were to start from an editable record that would save or use a task as starting point:

That way you could apply the values the the necessary combined filter(s).

Thanks all, for thinking along. I can imagine my use case is applicable in more situations as kanban overviews are much requested nowadays.