both didn’t work, I had to change the URL like below, because the application runs as child application, and without hashtag it didn’t work
/universal/#application=:' + CAST(SESSION_CONTEXT(N'tsf_appl_id') AS VARCHAR(10)) + '/...
But using the hyperlink results in this error/message:
While I am sure about the existence of the process flow and the process variable
Do you have more suggestions?
I am one step further now, it seems to work when a application alias is set.
One thing which doesn’t work as expected is the fact that the document which I like to open via the process flow opens in a new browser tab. This can result in many open tabs, especially on a mobile devices.
By default the document should open in the same browser tab, if not then the user can indicate this explicitly…
Is there a workaround to play with this behavior? Or is it an idea to make this optional in the process flow actions of type Open document?
One more additional question... What happens if the application runs as a progressive web app (PWA) on a mobile device? Then it is not possible to open multiple browser tabs?
Hello, Harm.
I think the first issue might be because of the extra colon symbol
Can you try and update the URL without the colon?
For your second issue, if the URL is correct, it should open the link within universal tab. Can you show us the HTML that you used and also the resulting URL?
@Alexandra Egri , Aren't the examples mentioned in the release notes then incorrect?
The colon symbol was used to emphasize that the “application” is a variable. As you can see in your example, “1286” doesn’t have colon symbol in front.
I got it working without a colon in the URL and adding the hashtag.
This works now for us:
/#application=' + CAST(SESSION_CONTEXT(N'tsf_appl_id') AS VARCHAR(10)) + '/processflow=pf_open_document_...
This differs from the release notes, but is fine with us.
The only thing we are not completely satisfied with now is the fact that a new tab is opened every time. This is not desirable in most cases, we want to be able to control this behavior in any case, preferably with an input setting in the process flow.
@Harm Horstman, for your third question regarding the case when application runs as a progressive web app, I tested your scenario and it worked to open multiple browser tabs. Let us know if you have the same result or need extra details.
Thank you, Alexandra
Hi @Alexandra Egri,
I can verify that it works smooth when the application runs as PWA on a mobile device. So opening multiple browser tabs is not an issue when the applications runs as installed PWA.
Only one thing to mention, in that case, is that the tile menu screen is no longer completely visible after the hyperlink is used.
screendump iPhone 15
I got it working without a colon in the URL and adding the hashtag.
This works now for us:
/#application=' + CAST(SESSION_CONTEXT(N'tsf_appl_id') AS VARCHAR(10)) + '/processflow=pf_open_document_...
This differs from the release notes, but is fine with us.
The only thing we are not completely satisfied with now is the fact that a new tab is opened every time. This is not desirable in most cases, we want to be able to control this behavior in any case, preferably with an input setting in the process flow.
Just to double check your expected behavior, you would like the links to be open within the same Universal tab? If that’s the case we need more details to identify the issue. (the inserted HTML , the origin and the resulting URL)
Hi @Alexandra Egri,
I can verify that it works smooth when the application runs as PWA on a mobile device. So opening multiple browser tabs is not an issue when the applications runs as installed PWA.
Only one thing to mention, in that case, is that the tile menu screen is no longer completely visible after the hyperlink is used.
screendump iPhone 15
This seems to be a bug. Could you create a ticket for this in TCP?
The expected behavior is to open another table/screen that has a URL like this: origin + /#application=stt/subject=vw_observation/subjectVariant=observation_as_main
And than go to a specific row
Hello, Harm!
Your expected behavior sounds possible, but in order to ensure we assist you effectively, could you provide a few more details?
What is the inserted HTML
The origin
The resulting URL
Hi Alexandra,
Nice, I hope this makes it clear...
Inserted HTML / Hyperlink (this triggers a process flow)