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Hello everyone,

I am making a double task which I cannot resolve using variants, as I need to have both the task and the variant on the same table. So I made a copy of the task. The tasks are also connected to their respective process flows to simulate a 'go back’ action to a overlaying table.

But both to a different variant of that table. Where one goes to a variant with a prefilter on a few statuses, the other goes to the other variant with the other statuses. Just to be sure I rebuilt the application via the default creation method, but now every time I try to do a refresh model action, I get the following error:

I cannot figure out why this pops up, as the tasks seem to be configured properly, in the table task section as well as in the set up of the task. And the tasks are used to start the process flows, so the application can go back to the proper record and table variant of the prior table. What am I doing wrong?

And this is how the task is configured, both are configured the same way as it is an exact copy of the original:


Eventually I figured it out as I discovered that it only occurred on certain roles. When I had a specific role active, I looked into the permission of the said role and it had the access to the task granted, but not set as available. This caused the error. Now I have it set disabled and not granted where I don't want these tasks to pop up and available and granted when I do want the tasks to pop up.
