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Disable SF 'drag rows' in runtime config?

I have nothing against drags, but drag rows are not my thing.

Is it already possible to disable this on a per-user basis in the runtime configuration, or UP? If so, I must have overlooked it in the documentation. Otherwise I would applaud exposing this feature in an upcoming SF release!


-edit- For me it would suffice to be able to disable the behaviour of default drag/drop; just tick it in the context menu in the same way as I have to do for ‘editable grid' to enable it.

Best answer by Anne Buit

An user-preference setting to remember whether or not drag-drop of rows is turned on would be a good solution for this indeed. Feel free to submit this as an idea in the the ideation section.

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  • Rookie
  • June 2, 2020

The problem Boudewijn and me are having is accidentally dragging in, for example, the columns list within the software factory. I think the problem is mostly noticeable when dragging source- and target- table are the same. Unfortunately, there is no way to undo the move action.

Anne Buit
Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • June 10, 2020

An user-preference setting to remember whether or not drag-drop of rows is turned on would be a good solution for this indeed. Feel free to submit this as an idea in the the ideation section.


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