
Delete IAM user api call



I try to delete an iam user, using the indicium api. 

Creating and fetching a user works fine, but when I try to delete a user I get the following error: 

400 Bad Request - Invalid OData URL.

Below you can see what I tried.
Can somebody tell me what i’m doing wrong? 

Request Type Endpoint Body Result
POST {{base_url}}/indicium/iam/iam/usr

{"tenant_id": 1

,"usr_id": "test_user"

,"first_name": "test_user"

,"sur_name": ""

,"gender": 0


,"appl_lang_id": "ENG"



GET {{base_url}}/indicium/iam/iam/usr(1, 'test_user') none OK
DELETE {{base_url}}/indicium/iam/iam/usr(1, 'test_user') none Invalid OData URL.




Best answer by Mark Jongeling 16 May 2023, 15:13

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Userlevel 7
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Hi Sergio,

Just confirmed, when having a Primary key consisting of multiple columns, you'll have to specify the column name, like so:

{{base_url}}/indicium/iam/iam/usr(tenant_id=1, usr_id='apiuser')


Thanks @Mark Jongeling , it works now!