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Trying to adjust the original logo of the login page in the custom.css by adding the following:

/* Hide the original logo */
.login__group--icon {
display: none;

/* Display an alternative logo */
.login__group--icon-container {
background: url('./some_image.png');
background-position: center;
background-size: contain;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
height: 4em;
width: 4em;
margin-bottom: 80px;

This based on the following info:


For some reason the result is that the default icon of Thinkwise and my own are presented over one another.

Running on the latest Universal GUI 2024.

Am I missing something in here??

@C. Lousberg I remember having the same issue sometime ago, but I seem to have added !important. This might be what you need as well:

/* Hide the original logo */
.login__group--icon {
display: none !important;


@Mark_Plaggenborg Thanks! That indeed did the job!


@Thinkwise: can you please update the documentation on this ? Thanks.
