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HI all, Im cleaning up the SF of unused subjectsvariants. I’m looking for a quick way to check which are used and which are not. I’ve tried looking for them but havn’t found them yet. Anyone got a quick wat to figure that out? We’re running on the most recent version of TW.

Much appreciated


Hi Dennis,

You can find this out by going to menu group Models > Model content > tab Table variants. Here, you can see all table variants present in your model, outside the context of their specific table. By selecting the prefilter ‘Not used in model’, you can see all table variants that are not used in the model:

There are also validations present for this situation, so that you are actively reminded when this is the case. Not only for table variants, but also for task variants and reports variants:

Does this help?

Thanks for answerring, much appreciated. My problem is solved.
