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Hi there,


I try to setup a field for barcode scanning. So I setup this field with the barcode controle, but nevertheless in the Universal GUI in this field I’m not able to activate my camera.

The little barcode what normally should be showing up is not visible and in stead of that I’m getting a scrolling wheel.

In the post above there is mentioned that barcode scanning works with the plugin of phonegap and a reference to a github address.
OK…. and then?

It would be nice if a little discription is given what we should do with this information. Do we need to install this? How? where?

Please let me now how to fix this? Thanks



The phonegap plugin is only for the mobile GUI. For the universal GUI there are 2 scanner solutions to work with the the default and the cortex scanner, cortex requiring a license. To read about the Cortex barcode scanner please check this post



Hi Erwin, thanks for the answer, but it does not solve my problem with the wheel icon in stead of the barcode Icon in the Universal GUI??

Hi Edwin

Did you have a working solution after our previous contact and is it no longer working after an update/system adjustment? Or didn't you get the barcode control working before?

We have the standard barcode control functioning with Universal, and didn't install any additional software.

Hi Marc,


It hasn’t worked ever on this installation.
It is working on another installation (read another client) But at this client I never have seen a barcode symbol on the barcode-control field. It’s been ever the scrolling wheel.


Are you using universal on http or https? For the camera to work this needs to be https and the SSL certificate needs to be set up correctly for universal. Also does the app have access to the camera? 

Yes, we’re running Universal under https and we do have a valid certificate. When I open the Universal APP on my own phone I see on installation A (The other client) a barcode symbol in a barcode controle field. And on the Installation of CO I see a scrolling wheel. So there’s no change to push the barcode symbol to open the camera. It looks like IIS is blocking something??? (I don’t know it’s just a suggestion)


Can it be a firewall issue somehow?

I’ve added already a TCP ticket 2667. I uploaded a video where you see that it’s working on Installation A and not working on the CO installation. It’s a continuous screen cast from my Iphone. 

@Edwin Saan Did you add the `WASM` mimetype to the web-server, like described here?

Erik, I would like to advise you to add your documentation that you only need to add the WASM MIMETYPE for the Default Webserver!!!! I added the MIME type for each Indicium (develop, test en production) and that gives non-logic errors and causes that Universal was not able to start anymore. I was getting the great error “A server error has occured”. I was thinking it had something to do with a new version of the end-application I installed yesterday, but finally I figured out it were the MIME types. There was no error at all indicating in that direction. After deleting all the .wasm mimetypes universal was able to start again in a normal manner. Then I added the .wasm MIMETYPE to the default website (nothing else) and now I solved to issues. Universal is starting again and the barcode symbol shows up. 

Thanks for your tip, but please mention next time for anyone else that they only add the MIME type on the default web-site. 

Thanks for your update. Sounds like we are facing multiple errors here at the same time. We will research our documentation on this.

Note: the Mimetype settings, as described in the link, are settings for an Universal GUI deployment and irrelevant for an Indicium deployment.

Nice to here it works as expected for you now.

Yes, finally! Thanks
