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After upgrading to version 2024.2 of the Thinkwise platform, I get an error in validations. This concerns "Processflows”. A processvariable is used (and stored in a log table) that represents the content-length of the http response. The process action involved is "HTTP connector”.

The domain used to store the output variable "Content-Length” is an integer. If we get something in this variable in the past is looks damn much like an integer. It represents the lentgth of the actual response. Not that we really need or use this information, but changing it to whatever sort of datatype will involve a conversion and an upgrade of the application.

So the question: What sort of variable do I need to use here? I mean, I have looked but haven't found my answer in the documentation as mentioned in the validation's Solotion above.


Hi Henri,

The HTTP connector only returns strings; even the status code. We did make some exceptions to this rule as the returned value can be casted to INT for example. The content-length is also returned as a string, but the returned value is similar to status code; a number.

I'll add the exclusion to the validation so in 2024.3 you will not get this validation message anymore 😄