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EDIT: The order of the fields in the can be changed in Subjects-->Components-->Form.

As commented by Henri Timmermans

Topic can be closed/changed to question. Then his answer as Best Answer.


Currently I don't think it's possible to change the order of the field in the 'Update' screen. It is possible that fields are ordered almost randomly. It doesn't use the List order so for an user it's very confusing. Here an example of a confusing order. I would like to be able to order this Update screen or at least it to be equal to the List.

Hey @Mark Jongeling ,

This can be set by changing things here:

@Tom van Druten , maybe it works in the 2019.1, but sadly not in the 2018.3 😥:

I see, that's a shame. Is upgrading to 2019.1 a possibility?
I see, that's a shame. Is upgrading to 2019.1 a possibility?

We are working on it here 😉 The customer is currently working on creating a step by step guide to make sure the upgrade goes perfectly. The upgrade should be this month I think.
Hey @Mark Jongeling ,

This can be set by changing things here:

Locally I run 2019.1 (SF, using 2019.1.14 Windows GUI), but I cannot change the order of the Update screen:

The order of the fields in the can be changed in Subjects-->Components-->Form.

Just tried it in SF 2018.3.

@htimmermans , you're a hero! It works indeed. Exactly what I looked for. In the project I work on we almost exclusively use Add/edit in list so we almost never touch the Form part, that's why we couldn't figure it out. Thanks!
@Moller Toma Could you close this topic or make is a Solved question? Henri solved the problem, I first thought it wasn't possible.
