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🚀 Platform improvements for week 28 ⚠️

Related products: Software Factory

Hi everyone!

We’ve released the following significant platform improvements this week:


SF 2024.2, 2024.1, 2023.3, 2023.2, 2023.1

  • 20240711 - Creation improvements
    • When using the task Execute complete creation, the Software Factory will first extract the model version from the selected runtime configuration or change the source version to the selected model version. However, there was a slim chance that the update of the source version could take a while and interfere with the process Generate definition, causing an error to occur. This has been resolved. The creation will now wait until the update is finished.
    • In addition to that, the model version extraction from the runtime configuration has been significantly improved to perform the operation more quickly.


SF 2024.2, 2024.1, 2023.3

  • 20240712 - Merge conflict resolvement improvements
    • Several improvements have been made when resolving conflicts. Where prior to this improvement resolving conflicts in conflicting manners could cause errors, now the Software Factory will reset this resolution for the developer. That way the conflict will be resolved in the correct way.
    • It is advised to install this improvement swiftly for the most optimal merging process.

We were notified one conflict resolvement type was left behind in platform version 2024.2. The conflict resolvement type has the same properties as another conflict resolvement type but lacks an explanation text. A new improvement has been released to resolve this:

20240717 - Remove unused conflict resolvement type