
🚀 Platform improvements for week 13

Related products: Software Factory Intelligent Application Manager

Hi everyone!

We’ve released the following platform improvements this week:


SF and IAM 2023.1

  • 20230330 - IgnoreFloatingLabelWidth support
    • A new extended property is now available. It is called 'IgnoreFloatingLabelWidth' and ignores configured label widths in the model for form columns, task- and report parameters when the form control type in the Universal GUI uses a 'floating label'. Enabling this extended property will match the Universal GUI's form configuration more closely to the Windows GUI's.
      For example: given the following form configuration in the Software Factory:

      The Windows GUI and Web GUI will visualize the form as follows:

      The orange color indicates the full-form element widths, including the label.

      The green color indicates only the input field widths.
      The current behavior of the Universal GUI interprets this as follows:

      When you add the extended property 'IgnoreFloatingLabelWidth' and set it to 'yes', the label width will no longer be considered in the field width calculations when the control uses a floating label:

      This matches the Windows GUI's form layout more closely for input fields and allows for a smooth transition between GUI technologies.

      Note: this may result in large labels getting too little space as floating labels in small input fields.
      In the upcoming 2023.2 release, this will become the default behavior for any model that does not yet support the Universal GUI as a target platform. Any model with the Universal GUI as a target platform will remain unmodified unless the extended property 'IgnoreFloatingLabelWidth' has been set to 'yes'. The reason for not changing the default behavior for models supporting the Universal GUI as the target platform is that you may very well have taken the label width impact into consideration when designing the form layout for Universal GUI applications.
      This service fix also enables this setting for the Intelligent Application Manager.
    • In addition, this service fix also enables support for variant-specific parameter ordering for tasks and reports.
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