Release notes Windows GUI and Web GUI (2023.1.11)

Related products: Windows GUI
Release notes Windows GUI and Web GUI (2023.1.11)

Hello everyone,

In this sprint, we have fixed a memory issue, and support for Thinkwise Platform release 2021.1 has ended.

You can read more about the Windows and Web GUI's features in the GUI user manual. We will keep you updated regularly about the Windows and Web GUI's progress.

Contents of this release




Support for Thinkwise Platform release 2021.1 has ended

Windows GUI Web GUI In accordance with our Lifecycle policy, the Windows and Web GUI support for Thinkwise Platform release 2021.1 has ended. Please upgrade to at least Software Factory release 2021.2 to use this Windows and Web GUI release.




Open Link process action status codes

Windows GUI The Open Link process action now supports the following two status codes in the GUI:

  • 0 for successful
  • -1 for unknown error


Minor fixes and tasks

  • Windows GUI - We have identified and resolved an issue where documents were being kept referenced in memory for the remainder of the process's lifetime. With this fix, a document's memory is freed up immediately after it has been closed. This might only become visible in the Windows task manager after some time.
  • Windows GUI Web GUI - We have fixed an issue where, in some situations, a mandatory prefilter group would prevent the user from editing or inserting new data. They would encounter the message "This row does no longer exist".

Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community.