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Hello everyone,

In this sprint, we have updated the way the grid works when it is in auto-edit mode.

You can read more about the Windows and Web GUI's features, in the GUI user manual. We will keep you updated regularly about the Windows and Web GUI's progress.



Windows GUI

We have changed the way a grid in edit mode saves data as it is being entered. It has been reverted back to refreshing rows based on the active row instead of the Refresh behavior (menu User interface > Subjects > tab Default/Variants > tab Settings > tab Performance > group Refresh) as default.

An application can still allow the grid to refresh using the Refresh settings by applying the new extended property GridEditUpdateUsingRefreshOption.

To update using the Refresh behavior, set GridEditUpdateUsingRefreshOption to 'Yes'.


Questions or suggestions?

Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community!


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