release notes

Release notes Windows GUI & Web GUI (2021.2.16)

Related products: Windows GUI
Release notes Windows GUI & Web GUI (2021.2.16)

Hello everyone,

in this sprint we improved logging for DevExpress reports and fixed an issue.

You can read the GUI user manual to read about the Windows and Web GUI's features. We'll keep you updated regularly about the Windows and Web GUI's progress.


New features


All log file are now based on severity level (Web GUI)

In the Web GUI, when extended properties WriteLogToFile and LogSeverity are used, log files will be created based on the severity level (info/warning/error).


Minor fixes and tasks

  • Windows GUI & Web GUI: The model cache sometimes didn't update properly, which caused the GUI to reload the model on every start instead of using the cached model. This issue has been fixed.
  • Windows GUI: We fixed an issue regarding auto-refresh. It also refreshed the subject while the tab was inactive.
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