release notes

Release notes Indicium (2021.3.16)

Related products: Indicium Service Tier
Release notes Indicium (2021.3.16)

Hello everyone,

In this sprint, we have added support for deep-linking in a process flow, so you can use values from variables to start a process flow. We have also updated the DevExpress Reporting library and changed the OpenID behavior when signing in and out.

You can read more about Indicium's features in the Indicium user manual.

We will keep you updated regularly about Indicium's progress.


Contents of this release




Invalid input parameters values will now stop the process flow in Indicium Universal

From now on, process flows will stop when the data types of an input parameter and the process variable do not match.

When this happened in previous versions, Indicium would continue with a null value since it could not convert the value into the expected data type. This could result in unwanted or unexpected behavior.

Now, when a process variable has datatype varchar(12), its default value is "Hello Indicium", and it's passed to an input parameter that expects an Int, it will result in an exception.


Indicium Universal


Deep link support for process flows

If deep-linking is enabled in a process flow, you can now post process flow variables with their values to start the process flow with those values. Previously, these values had to be set with a task. This feature will be available as of IAM version 2022.1.




Update DevExpress Reports

In this version of Indicium, the DevExpress Reporting library is updated to a newer version (21.1.6).


Changed OpenID behaviour

We changed the behavior of Indicium when signing in and out.

In the appsettings.json, we added a new property to OpenIDConnect named AlwaysPromptLogin. This is a boolean field, its value by default is false.

When it is set to true and you sign in using that OpenID Provider, the login screen will always appear.
If the specified OpenID is the only login option available and the value of AlwaysPromptLogin is false, Indicium will automatically log you out when pressing the button to go to the logout page.

Also, if logging in with local accounts is disabled, then the logout button for local accounts will no longer be available.


Minor fixes and tasks

  • We fixed the issue that the uploaded files of a staged resource were deleted when a commit failed. Now they will remain in the temp folder until the staged resource is committed or canceled.
  • When staging a task or report in the context of a table, Indicium will now copy all parameter values that have been linked from the table context row. Previously, file columns linked in this way did not provide a download link for the file. This made it impossible for clients to show, for example, image previews since they did not receive a file from the link in the staged resource response.