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We are thrilled to introduce a great new feature. We received quite a few requests to apply some more possibilities to start user actions from a grid record, like we see also in apps like Outlook, Gmail, etc.  

Our Web GUI already supports grid links, where a column with a textual link can start a task based on the clicked record. We plan to support this feature in our Windows and Universal GUI soon too. In the future, we will also provide options to display the link in a nicer way, using icons and tooltips. More about that in a later blog post. 

Recently we’ve added a similar cool feature to the grids of our Windows and Web GUI’s: 

Grids now support a task to be executed when a record is double-clicked

To configure which tasks to use, the SF offers a new (model) extender, released in a recent hot-fix, which can be used to assign multiple table tasks to the double click action. 


The GUI will choose the first enabled task to execute. We chose to allow more than one so the developer can determine which task to execute at runtime by using context logic or by assigning rights to different user groups. 

You can start a task with visible parameters, use a confirmation message or just use a “silent” task. From the executed task it is possible to start a process flow to do whatever you want, e.g. navigating the user to the details of the subject or calling a web service. 

This feature will be supported from GUI version 2020.2.20 and up. The SF/IAM hot-fix is available for platform versions 2019.1 and up. 

Note: double clicking the active row/cell to select its text is disabled to execute the task in that case. Text selection is still possible by using the F2 shortcut key. 

Improved double-click experience in our Web GUI in general 

As part of the double click logic to execute a task we improved the double click experience of the grid.  

A double click on an inactive record will now also execute the double click action, whether it is the assigned task, zooming in on a detail or selecting a record in a lookup popup. The double click logic can now also be triggered by the Enter shortcut key, like our Windows GUI supported already. 

We hope this helps you provide an even better user experience to your users. Feel free to post your customer cases below. 

@Erik Brink Looking forward to having these features in Universal, including the icons & tooltips part! We are eager to use double-click > execute tasks in Universal. Two questions on this upcoming feature:

  1. Could you indicate when double-click > execute tasks is expected to be available in Universal?
  2. Does the solution support a per-column task assignment, meaning double-clicking column A in Record 1 would trigger a different Task than double-clicking f.e. column D?

Some inspiration for the icons: two very simple scenario's that we have pending already related to clickable icons are:

  1. Displaying a clickable LinkedIn icon that would open the LinkedIn account of our Contact person
  2. Displaying a clickable Teams icon that would open a Teams chat between the logged in user and the user the Teams icon is displayed next to, for instance to contact the owner or creator of a record for questions or a status update:

Hi Arie,

Thanks for your reaction. 

To answer your questions:

  1. Could you indicate when double-click > execute tasks is expected to be available in Universal?

    We did not planned this feature yet, because as a team we are focusing on support for basic logic which are already supported in our Win/Web GUI too, like file preview, multi select task execution and process-flows. From time-to-time we can work on our own ideas in a so called Wildcard day and I will dependently pick it up for Universal too.
  2. Does the solution support a per-column task assignment, meaning double-clicking column A in Record 1 would trigger a different Task than double-clicking f.e. column D?

    Nope, double click uses a row based approach. I don't think users will understand what’s happening when it would work column based. The link/icon support to execute a task will be column based.

I hope this meets your expectations well.

Regards, Erik

Hi Arie,

Thanks for your reaction. 

To answer your questions:

  1. Could you indicate when double-click > execute tasks is expected to be available in Universal?

    We did not planned this feature yet, because as a team we are focusing on support for basic logic which are already supported in our Win/Web GUI too, like file preview, multi select task execution and process-flows. From time-to-time we can work on our own ideas in a so called Wildcard day and I will dependently pick it up for Universal too.
  2. Does the solution support a per-column task assignment, meaning double-clicking column A in Record 1 would trigger a different Task than double-clicking f.e. column D?

    Nope, double click uses a row based approach. I don't think users will understand what’s happening when it would work column based. The link/icon support to execute a task will be column based.

I hope this meets your expectations well.

Regards, Erik

Hi Erik,

Thanks for this update, let's hope for some wildly productive wildcard days for you then!

Regarding the per-column support: if we can have this through link/icon I guess that should be sufficient.

Note: a scenario I really wish to see supported is that I can click on a Lookup value in the Grid/Form, which opens the Form of that value in a new Open Document. For example: if I am working on an Opportunity, linked to an Account: I would like to be able to click on the Account name, which opens the Account form (a bit similar to Detail Tile behavior). Not sure if this link solution is going to make that happen (perhaps we also need Deeplink support here too), or if there are beter ways to get this working in Universal.

Opening a lookup is a little out of scope here, but I like the idea. I think the grid will definitely will offer something like this later on. In Windows and Web GUI you could use the Ctrl+L shortcut to do so.

Hi Erik,


This is a great feature we would like to use, we have version 2020.2.22, but i don't see the option. Could be that I'm missing something?







Hi Erik,

This is a great feature we would like to use, we have version 2020.2.22, but i don't see the option. Could be that I'm missing something?




Hi Eric,

Did you run all hotfixes for the SF (and IAM)?

Our Universal GUI will support for this too from version 2021.1.15.

No "model extender” required to use this in the Universal GUI.

To mark subject tasks to be executed like this, upcoming platform version 2021.2 is required. We expect to release this platform version in May 2021.

Our Universal GUI will support for this too from version 2021.1.15.

No "model extender” required to use this in the Universal GUI.

To mark subject tasks to be executed like this, upcoming platform version 2021.2 is required. We expect to release this platform version in May 2021.

Hi Erik,

Is there a way to try this already for one Task in Universal GUI or do we have to wait for the next platform release before the feature can actually be used?

Hi Arie,

I am sorry. There is no way to tell the GUI (yet) which tasks could be picked up for this.

Regards, Erik

Hi @Erik Brink We wish to use Grid double click in the Universal GUI for triggering the Activate Form process action on Screen Types which show a full Grid and the Form on a separate tab page. Now I understand from my developer that the functionality only works if “Show task” is checked. I don’t want that, as the Task only serves its purpose for the double click row. How can we get this working in Universal the way we want it?

P.s. I know Activate Form is not yet supported, we’re now trialing using another process action.

Unfortunately, there is no way to configure how the task should show up on the subject yet. This is open on our backlog.

Thanks for the update @Erik Brink, we'll await that part of the functionality patiently. FYI: we now also have our desired feature (Grid to Form) working with the Activate Form process action that is released with Universal GUI 2021.2.15 BETA. Great stuff!


Any chance the double click functionality will be available for card lists too? I would like to use it on a mobile device to start a task.

Hi Bas,

Yes, it is an item on our backlog to do so for cardlist and tree. It's not on our short term planning atm.

Regards, Erik 

Hi Erik,

Maybe off topic, but is there any way to up-vote such ideas to get them a higher priority/on the backlog?


Feel free to bring up a community idea for this (if it isn't already). More votes definitely gives it more priority on our planning.
