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Way to hide all validation messages for a branch at once

Related products: Software Factory

I have created a new branch. Consequently, I inherited 14,060 validation messages from the original branch. Among this vast number, any new validation messages introduced by me are obviously not noticeable. This compromises the quality of the product I am developing.

I believe the original branch should be "clean," but in practice, this often proves difficult to achieve. Until that ideal is met, I think it is a good practice to hide all existing validation messages for the branch immediately after creating it so that I can start with a "clean slate."

This can be done from SF, but it is a laborious task because:

  • Some validation messages produce an error when trying to hide them, which interrupts the task.
  • Not all validation messages are displayed, as a summary item appears for more than 25 of the same type, requiring manual expansion of each.
  • It involves handling a large number of validation messages.

There should be a way to hide all validation messages for the branch at once.

Hi @Thijs,

This is something that was already on our backlog. I will update the status accordingly.

NewOn the backlog

Please take into account that some people have ‘clean’ models. Introducing the above feature will make it easier for developers to skip fixing the open validations.


Please take into account that some people have ‘clean’ models. Introducing the above feature will make it easier for developers to skip fixing the open validations.


I think it’d be great if you can see the origin / first occurrence of a validation message. This way @Thijs can see if he’s created any new ones and you still have visibility of all messages.

Please take into account that some people have ‘clean’ models. Introducing the above feature will make it easier for developers to skip fixing the open validations.


If you skip open validations, soon your model won’t be clean anymore.

I think it’d be great if you can see the origin / first occurrence of a validation message. This way @Thijs can see if he’s created any new ones and you still have visibility of all messages.

When there is a prefilter to hide validation messages that do not originate from current branch, then indeed my issue would be solved.

That prefilter used to exist, can we re-introduce it?



That prefilter used to exist (in 2022.2), can we re-introduce it?

At the moment the Validation messages table is not a history table, thus not allowing us to simply look into the history table to see if the message is new or not.

Nevertheless, one way that we could go about it is storing the open Validation messages of the Origin branch once a branch is pulled from current point-in-time, but that would then require a prior Validate definition to be run successfully. Of course there are more ways to implement this which we will look in to when handling the User story on our backlog.