Trigger (refresh) on cancel or close of popup

Related products: Software Factory Windows GUI Universal GUI Indicium Service Tier

Editing a record in a form, or cancelling/closing a popup currently do not have a refresh (or can trigger a process flow in which a refresh is modelled). There are situations in which you want this.

Think about editing a record in which a conditional layout is triggered. In this situation the background colour/font will change on both the form and grid. On cancel the form and grid are reset to the old situation, apart from the conditional layout of the grid.

The same is for closing popups in which you want to do some closing computations. This last one is something you want to do with a wizard in which you want to reset all information that was entered in the popup up till that time.

Updated idea status NewOpen

Unfortunately, this idea has not received enough votes. Because we want to keep the focus on ideas that are in high demand in our Thinkwise Community, we are closing this idea.
