Time control

Related products: Software Factory

Since the update to v2020.02 the time fields with control time shows HH🇲🇲ss including the seconds. In the previous version 2018.2 this control was shown as HH:mm.

How can we change this so, that our time fields only show HH:mm??

We work a lot with time fields and the seconds are not relevant for us. So I don’t want to frustrate the users with seconds in all the time fields. 

However, for the trace fields we want to show the seconds, so a solution where all time fields are changed to not showing the seconds is not acceptable.

Hope someone can help me out..

(Maybe someone can change this issue to question!!! The portal keeps telling me that the kind of topic is not selected, but the quesion bullet is marked.


Hi Edwin,

About the issue when creating Questions, we'll investigate this immediately. We are not able to convert your topic to a question as our Community platform provider does not support this (yet).

About your question, I just got confirmed this is currently not possible. However, it is scheduled for the 2021.2 release. In this release the SF will have two different kinds of domain control types; one for HH:MM:SS and, the one you are looking for, HH:MM. This way the developer can select which control is more appropriate in which situation.

For now it's only possible to have the HH:MM:SS variant for Time fields.

I will investigate if an Extender will solve this currently. I will post my findings here.

Hi Edwin,

To get the Time parts to display HH:mm times, you can add an Extended property called CustomTimeMask with value HH:mm

Navigate to Runtime configurations → Extended properties and add the CustomTimeMask property. This will convert all Time parts to HH:mm. Note: if you want your datetime fields to have seconds, also add the Extended property CustomDateTimeMask with value dd-MM-yy|H🇲🇲ss . Else, the CustomTimeMask will also overwrite the time part of datetime fields.

More info here: https://docs.thinkwisesoftware.com/docs/sf/extended_properties.html#docsNav




Updated idea status NewWorking on it!

Hi Mark, thanks, for now this works. I’m really not happy with this change because now my trace fields are also shown as HH:mm. And for the trace fields you regularly need the seconds for debugging and troubleshooting. But at least the users are not bothered with seconds at the moment in the main processes. So we’ll have to wait for 2021.2


Updated idea status Working on it!Next release
Updated idea status Next releaseCompleted