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When we do our upgrades (every 3 weeks) of our applications we take the application offline (deactivate in IAM) right before we execute the source code on the database and we put it back online after the IAM sync.

However as time goes on our model grows and the IAM sync action in SF is taking up to 8min right now, the majority of that time goes into generating the sync code.


If we could generate the sync code separately from the actual sync this would decrease the required downtime for upgrades by a big percentage because you could generate the sync code before taking the application offline.


On top of that it is pretty easy to forget to do an IAM sync, it would be nice to have it part of the creation process/screen. 

This would greatly improve ease of execution. If it could be incorporated into the 'Execute all creation steps' process, it would significantly simplify rollouts.


This will also be helpful when working with development and test branches that need to sync with two different IAMs. You would only need a single generation step followed by two synchronizations


Additionally, it would be beneficial to configure whether an IAM sync can be blocked by unsuccessful unit or smoke tests, based on severity level.

We plan to work on streamlining the whole Creation and Synchronization process later next year.

In the meantime I’d like to highlight 2 things:

  • Synchronization to IAM doesn’t require downtime, you can already perform this and then take down the existing Application/create a new Application after the Sync is finished. 
  • This Generation/Sync split is effectively already working when using a Deployment package to upgrade your Application

By starting your Production upgrade with the Sync to IAM and then the Upgrade you can thus reduce your Production downtime.