Processflow starting point enhancement

Related products: Windows GUI Indicium Service Tier

We have the following problem: We have a screen that looks like this Branding(1) à lis_view_selection_header(2.detail of branding) à lis_sector(3.detail of lis_view_selection_header)



Now we have the following problem: When filtering on a value in lis_sector(3) and then switching records in lis_view_selection_header(2), the filter remains, which is now trying to filter on a value that is no longer necessary. So we want to empty this filter when they switch rows in lis_view_selection_header(2) . To empty this filter, we tried to create a process flow that when they select a row in lis_view_selection_header(2) throws the filter empty. For this we have already tested a number of process action types but without success, the process flow does not start. I would have expected the 'activate document' or 'activate detail' type on lis_view_selection_header(2) to work here.

Somehow the image was lost during after sending in the idea.


Hi Eric,

It seems like we've missed this topic. It does seem like this is more or less an Idea and not a question, am I correct? Shall I convert this to an Idea?

Yes please

Updated idea statusNewOpen