Option to set credentials or other means of security when the user selects the report button

Related products: Software Factory Windows GUI Universal GUI Indicium Service Tier

As an Idea derived from my question: I believe we should add a security when accessing reports generated by a report button in web gui or universal gui

this is the question:

Is there a way to set password to pdf generated by report buttons? | Thinkwise Community (thinkwisesoftware.com)

To be more clear regarding the above… Thinkwise supports DevExpress for developing Reports. Those reports can be exported as PDF files and those PDF files can be setup from DevExpress to be password protected. Is there a way to assign a password set to the PDF file dynamically created and passed as a parameter from Software Factory or to be taken from the Database? Bellow is how we can manually set password on PDF on DevExpress

Also important links: https://docs.devexpress.com/OfficeFileAPI/114054/pdf-document-api/examples/document-protection/how-to-protect-a-pdf-document-with-a-password     https://demos.devexpress.com/OfficeFileAPI/ASP/DocumentProtection/PdfPasswordProtection.aspx

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