Monitor running of systemflows through IAM

Related products: Intelligent Application Manager Indicium Service Tier

I would really like to be able to see in IAM whether a process flow ran successfully or not, and if not, what error was thrown during the executing of this flow.

Also, I would to be able to assign an email address to which a notification can be send when a specific flow fails during execution.

SQL server agent jobs provide this kind of logging and tracing, there for clients of mine that we used to running this system automations through SQL agent are currently having difficulty to determine whether their system flows are running correctly or not.


And perhaps add the possibility to stop a running system flow that seems not to end in an expected duration.

And perhaps also add the possibility to manually start a system_flow from IAM.

And perhaps if there were any errors that it displays the last error?

And perhaps ..[insert additional wish]

Manually starting a system flow is already an Idea: 

Thanks for your additions!

Sounds very similar to this Idea: 

Could/should these be merged?

Updated idea statusOpenDuplicate
Idea merged into:

All the votes from this idea have been transferred.

Good suggestion @Arie V , because your idea was submitted earlier we merge this idea to that one. May the idea be placed on the backlog and eventually picked-up, we'll make sure that any comments placed here are taken into consideration.