Maintainability of code in SF model

Related products: Software Factory

I would like to see expression fields, customer pre-filters and other in-model expressions to automatically generate some sort of subroutine and template. Where alle code can be accessed from functionality and errors in these expressions can be fixed more easier without model syncs et cetera. 

Hi Freddy,

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Hi Freddy,

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If you actually get the expressions out of the datamodel and treat them like any other code template it would definitely serve this idea as well. 

expression fields and pre-filter queries are in my opinion the same as badges …  they get woven into the model but the logic is via templates… same principle applies. Taking all in-model code to this level will give you all the benefits of review and more. 


Unfortunately, this idea has not received many votes. Because we want to keep the focus on ideas that are in high demand in our Thinkwise Community, we are closing this idea.
