Related products: Software Factory

When adding new functionality and you skip the tab "Templates", by default a (New) template will be added with content:



I feel it is better to put double hyphens before this autogenerated script to make it as a comment. Currently it will generate incorrect code and is reason for aborting the code execution to the DTAP environments.

I think it should create an error rather than do nothing because it is a comment. The developer has forgotten something. There is an empty template. Surely that is not what was meant to be put in there?


An empty template will trigger a validation message. When creating a deployment package, I’m already notified of validation messages, so the empty template will not go unnoticed.

Having no hard error on a random piece of functionality allows me to perform an upgrade while coworkers are still working in their corners of the application.

Updated idea status NewOpen

Can I vote two times for this idea? More often than not I first add the template, modify with -- then attach the template, go to result and check which parameters I have available and then go back to the template. There is no reason not to add the -- in front because if you properly test the code you will notice it doesn't do anything so no point in letting it crash the execution of the code. 

Sorry @Erwin Ekkel, voting twice is not possible :wink:

It's not easy to find the best strategy for this. If we wouldn’t insert the text 'INSERT CODE HERE’, it indeed wouldn't cause an error on this. Adding the available parameters to an empty template is also something we could do but it is not recommended to leave them inside the template. 

Our product development team discussed this idea again, and agrees with the argument as mentioned by @Robert Jan de Nie. For this reason, we will decline this idea. Thank you all for your input.
