IAM - provide expected Indicium config on registration error

Related products: Intelligent Application Manager

Hi all,

I'm facing the dreaded “Indicium has abandoned me” message from IAM:



Usually it is a case then of just comparing server and database name with the configuration of Indicium in ISS, perhaps running Indicium standalone to find errors.

In this case the database is managed by one party, and the web server by another party. I can not just compare the names with the settings, because I don't have access to crucial bits of the infrastructure.


What I can do though, is forward the correct information for the parties so they can make the changes.


Now when this error is shown, IAM already knows on which server and database it is running. What do you think about having the generic error above extended with a bit of information along these lines:

Expected MetaSourceConnection in appsettings.json:
“Server”: “db32.mycomp.com\\test",
“Database”: “mycomp_dev_iam_prod”,
"PoolUserName”: please provide a service account with at least db_owner role
“PoolUserPassWord”: please provide the corresponding password, or encrypt it as explained in the docs


Would that help anyone?
