GUI - 'drop context'

Related products: Windows GUI Universal GUI

Quite often after applying a filter, or modifying a record in a filtered list, I get the offer to open the record in a new document. Great, and really helpful.

The drawback is that I almost as often like to reuse that document and apply another filter (it's open anyway, so why close it and open it again?)

That's a no-go of course: invisible for the users at home, the GUI has cocooned that single record in its own context, and any changes in the applied filter will only make that record become invisible.

To me it is not quite clear what indicator the GUI gives to let me know that this record is the result of “this record can not be shown due to applied filters, open in new document”. 


If it is not too much of a trouble, I'd propose these extensions to the GUI:

  • An indicator that this record is cocooned in its own context
    • so that it is clear to the user why nothing is shown after applying a filter where results are expected
  • A button to release the context, so that the document is available for general use
    • so that it is not necessary to close one document and ctrl+click to open a duplicate document and wait for it to open



By the way, this applies to the in-GUI ‘derived’ context, not to the database-enforced context via the context procedure (although that would be nice as a dev-option)

Updated idea status NewOpen

Unfortunately, this idea has not received enough votes. Because we want to keep the focus on ideas that are in high demand, we are closing this idea.
