Debug mode Indicium error

Related products: Indicium Service Tier

I would like to propose the idea of having an Indicium debug mode.

Currently if Indicium throws and error whiles using the Universal UI the user will get the following message “Unknown Error”. I can understand that we do not want to bother end users with specific database error messages.

However it would be very useful if you can enable the display of such error message in the indicium settings. 

Currently when a client of mine gets this error message (unknown error) they will submit a ticket with a screenshot of this error message. That means that I have to go through the Indicium log and hope to identify the error message that was related to the message the client received. And to make matters worse, if you have load balancer enabled it can be a big issue determining which Indicium the client was logged into. Which makes finding the Indicium error near to impossible.

Therefor it would be super useful have a setting which you can enable that will results in the actual database error message instead of the unknown error message.

Hi Arjan,

Will this really solve your problem? Because this debug mode setting is probably not what you want to enable in production! So you will still have the same problem.

(Or am I incorrect with the assumption and you want to enable this in production?)

In the case of the issue with a load balancer, it might be better to look for a system that combines al this logging. Like ApplicationInsights on Azure or AWS CloudWatch.
For ApplicationInsights we already have some documentation available


I am aware that it will not be something to enable in production. Still this would be very useful because most of the testing and issue encountering is presenting itself on either the test or the acceptance environment.

If we do encounter an issue in production, which needs debugging, we can move a copy of the production database to the test environment (or temporary enable this on production).

The system that combines of of these are not preferred by my client. They want to keep hosting on premises.

Hello Arjan,

Currently when a client of mine gets this error message (unknown error) they will submit a ticket with a screenshot of this error message.

There already is a development mode which solves exactly this issue with database error messages.

@Vincent Doppenberg  this is actually what I need thank you

Hi Arjan, 

Is running Indicium in development mode the solution to your idea?

Hey Mark,

Yes that is exactly what I had in mind. So this idea is already implemented.
