Data entry masks

Related products: Software Factory

I would like to see an option to have data entry masks for formatted numbers and texts… In Brazil there are some very important ones that exists in all software created. Such as CPF (000.000.000-00) and CNPJ number (00.000.000/0000-00), but also telephones and numerous categorizations that usually are stored as numbers and just need a proper mask to be shown in the correct way. 

I know ways to achieve this with additional expression field, but a good masking system would help a lot with data entry and data visualization without having to store a numeric filed as a text field.  

Hi @Freddy, does this idea overlap with yours?:


HI @Mark Jongeling if they are set up to have them used as input and visualization masks, then yes the idea overlaps. A lot of these numbers are stored as numeric fields, but you want to insert and show them formatted with reading signs. So you want them for input, but also for visualization when a form/list is shown. 

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