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Choose Generate source code full and smart for each code file

Related products: Software Factory

I would like to choose between smart and full generation for each code file.

This is because the execution of the index code file takes at least 40 minutes on my production environment, so i want this to be smart - execute only the changed indexes. But for other code files, like views, procedures, tasks, defaults, layouts, contexts, etc i want to be sure that the code i have in the software factory is all deployed to my end product database. In the case that somebody changed, for whatever reason, the code in production. That change is reverted with the code from the software factory.

At this moment i need to generate the source code twice. First the full code and copy that to a staging folder. Second i need to generate the code smart and copy the files that must be deployed smart to the staging folder.

It would save me time, and a cleaner upgrade process when i can generate the complete package i want to execute on the end product database in one run.

In the creation screen, on the tab page “generate source code”, you can generate the source code smart, then switch to manual, go to level 2 (or 3) and select the extra code files (or even program objects at level 3) that you want to exclude. 

When you generate source code again with this new code files checked, the program objects will not be generated again (because this code was already correct) and only the code files are recalculated.

Does this resolve your wishes?


No this does not resolve my wish.

When i select the Manual generation method and select the code groups i want to be generated full. The already generated smart files are deleted. This means I must first copy the generated smart code files to another location, generate the full source (indeed, with manual i can select the code files i want to generate full), and copy there files over the smart generated files.

I still have a lot of manual work to do.

I would like to have a clean upgrade process (preferably automated in the future). Select the code groups i want to be generated full or smart once. If this could be a preset that would be really awesome. And generate this in one go.

In the 2023.2 platform version, we significantly improved the smart generation performance. This should help in your situation.

Since your idea has not received many votes, we've opted not to implement any changes based on it. Because we want to keep the focus on ideas that are in high demand in our Thinkwise Community, we are closing this idea.
