Add support for Azure Search

Related products: Windows GUI Universal GUI Indicium Service Tier

We have a table with 100K+ records and the combined filter needs to search across 10+ columns. This can take a few seconds to return the results. Also this consumes precious database resources. We did optimize the table to only contain the needed data but the performance is not what we like. This functionality is used a lot in our application.

Therefor i would like the option to connect Azure Search to this table and let this index the table. The combined filter should send the query to the connected Azure Search instance en return the data to the grid.

Updated idea status NewOpen

The Azure Search function can also return facets (webshop like filters). These can be used as filters on the grid.

I’m really exited if this could be integrated in the Software Factory and the Gui’s (Web, Windows, Universal) as this is a great UX improvement (performance wise) and helps keeping the SQL database free for other tasks.