Add (more) loading icons to universal

Related products: Universal GUI

If you are working on a slower system it can take a while for universal to load. You often get a blank screen, a blank menu or a blank detail. Then a minute later the data shows. There is no loading indicator to give you any notification that there is still data loading. This is very confusing to work with as you sometimes assume a detail/screen is empty for it later on to show data. For some screens/processes a loading icon shows but a lot do not. 

Please add more loading icons for example when loading the menu to show that there is still some loading going on in the background. 

A minute later… … … that is a very very very long time in my humble opinion. My users will be logged out way way way earlier than that and have called the supportline, regardless of how many loading icons are jumping around on their screens. I personally would rather see you guys focus on gaining performance to be honest.

That said, I’d opt for proper progress, like the download indication, it gives you an idea on how much more there is to go. Nowadays you see that more and more with traffic lights, especially for the pedestrian crossings, there is a counter that counts to zero to give you an indication how long you still have to wait.
