Ability to order conditional layouts

Related products: Software Factory

Currently the order in which conditional layouts are evaluated is alphabetically by name "How do conditional layouts work".

I'd like to be able to influence the order. Options could be adding an order number, or changing the order in the grid.

Hi Roy!

Thank you for your idea, I certainly get it. However, would it also be an option to make it so that they are mutually exclusive?


Updated idea status NewNeeds feedback

Hi Jeroen,

You're right. There are multiple ways in which this could be improved. I also like to be able to set a background with one set of conditions and maybe the font for other conditions. In this case I want both be applied. So in this case not mutually exclusive. With fonts I want to even have more options, such as size, italics, bold, and font type.

Currently when I want to combine these layouts, I have to create a seperate conditional layout that works for this specific combination.

But I'm sure others also have many ideas how to improve this part. I hope they will share their ideas as well.

Updated idea status Needs feedbackOpen