GPS coordinates Universal from Device

Related products: Universal GUI

Does the Universal already support fetching the current location from a device that has a GPS function? Or is there a way to get it using HTML and Javascript ( in for example a task to then fetch a route via API to a known location?

Great idea! That would be useful for a lot more, like recognizing in which warehouse or any other location bound object you are at.


As far as I know there is no such function in Universal. 

No, we do not support this yet. I've converted this question to an idea.

Updated idea statusNewOpen

Updated idea statusOpenOn the backlog

On the backlogWorking on it!

Working on it!Next release

The upcoming release 2023.1.15 of the Univeral GUI will offer support for the "Location” control type.

This control will be available in both the editable grid and form. The control will fill in the device location as a value to save in the record.

Please read the release notes for all details.

Next releaseCompleted