Execute source code (upgrade) parallel

Related products: Software Factory

Our development branches generally have 2, 3 (and sometimes more) databases linked. In the creation process we want the step “execute source code” (the upgrade) to be performed in parallel on all databases that are linked to an branche.

This significantly shortens the turnaround time of the upgrade process. When, for example, a session id is added to the jobs (see screen “job log”), the parallel jobs in that session can be kept together.

Updated idea statusNewOpen

OpenOn the backlog

Jeroen, Can you tell me when to expect this functionality to be ready. (in which release)

Hi Eric, unfortunately I can't at the moment. Please see this URL for more information: https://community.thinkwisesoftware.com/getting-started-on-the-thinkwise-community-72/what-happens-to-your-ideas-569#Start+statuses.