PDF merge possibility

Related products: Software Factory Windows GUI Indicium Service Tier

We would like to have the possibilty to merge pdf files. We generate the reporst and pdf with devexpres.  Devexpress itself has functionality (api) to merge pfd's. 

Updated idea statusNewOpen

If you send a digital invoice it has to be 1 pdf.

So the invoice-document and other invoice attachements has to be merged to 1 PDF-document before it is send to a customer.

It makes it posible for every-one to view invoices with all information in one document.    

Updated idea statusOpenOn the backlog

On the backlogWorking on it!

Working on it!Next release

Hi everyone,

In Platform version 2023.1 it will be possible to merge several PDF files into one by using the Merge PDF process action.

Merge PDF process action

The process action will require a source folder path as input parameter. It will check all files in that folder and merge any PDF files it finds together. The files will be merged in alphabetical order and any non-PDF files or subfolders will be ignored. The resulting file will be output in the File data output parameter. It will also output a list (in JSON format) of all file names that were merged through the output parameter Merged files (JSON).

Updated idea statusNext releaseCompleted