2FA with DUO Push

Related products: Intelligent Application Manager

Like many, our company uses DUO Push for users to log in on the network. We would like to use this too for the users who has an extended application in Universal GUI next to our ERP in Windows GUI. IAM supports only the TOTP 2FA with means that those users has two different ways of using 2FA to confirm login:
1) Netwerklogin: simply tap the green tick
2) UGUI login: copy/paste and confirm the validationcode
The first way is much easier & user friendly then the second way.
Is it possible to implement DUO Push as well in the near future?


Hi Peter,

Would it be possible to set up DUO Push as an OIDC provider for the Thinkwise Platform?

Single Sign-On for Generic OpenID Connect (OIDC) Relying Parties | Duo Security

You can even set up automated user provisioning with this.

Note that, like IAM authentication with 2FA, the OIDC authentication is not supported for the Windows GUI.

NewNeeds feedback