Regenerate table and functionalities from Tables screen

Related products: Software Factory

At this moment, if you change the name of a table, or add a column to the table or view, you have to recreate the table/view in development. ( One way around recreating the table is to just apply the changes to a table in your SQL Server management studio, or go to the template of the view ).

But, next to that you have to look for context and layout procedures, and regenerate them. If I’m making a lot of changes, I always forget one of them with the result that I have a bug, and often just look in my Inspector which call fails. 

It would be great if you could just do this with one button. If you change a view,  you press the button, and only if there is an error you go to the functionality.

This would save a lot of mouse clicks, and sometimes searching as it is not always clear which templates are linked to a view. 


Hi Daan,

It could indeed be handy, however mutating tables and/or columns will require an upgrade nevertheless; especially with system-versioned tables. If you perform a Smart upgrade, all affected logic will also be regenerated and deployed. Thereafter, the table, the columns, and all logic will be in tip-top shape (as long as the old columns are not mentioned in your code of course)

Speaking about Views (template), adding columns in the datamodel still requires you to add code to give that particular column a value e.g. t1.first_name. In case you are using Meta auto or Meta custom, that would be a good candidate for such a task/button as the View code is entirely specified in Datamodel and not in logic/functionality.

I do think your idea overlaps with this idea am I right?: Quick generation for one table which you made changes on | Thinkwise Community (

If so, I'll merge them 😄

NewNeeds feedback

Yes, it overlaps, and it is of course something to think about in terms of how to implement it.

I timed it and an smart upgrade, with the creation step takes 2 minutes, 15 seconds. I always make a mistake somewhere, especially when a template is used at multiple locations, or the field pops up as a filter for the user while I don’t want it. That makes that this 2:15 often becomes 5 to 10 minutes ( to add one field ).

I was thinking about ways to shorten this, and anything that would make it possible to skip the creation step, and only deploy what is needed, would save time. You are right … in many cases auto generation won’t work, but an error with a clear list of what to fix would still save time.


Then I'll merge the ideas. Understandly that perfection is desired but difficult to achieve. There are quite some other stuff that I won't get in to in this idea but deploying the new column is not as simple as you might think due to all kinds op dependencies.

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