Custom Sequence Sorting on Domains

Related products: Software Factory


Currently, elements in domains with database values like 1, 2, 3 can only be sorted by their database value or alphabetically, limiting display customization in the database.

Proposed Feature

Implement a custom sequence-based sorting system, allowing users to define the order of elements independently of their database values.


  • Improved User Experience: Enables more intuitive and user-friendly data presentation.
  • Separation of Data and Presentation: Aligns with best practices in software development.
  • Developer Efficiency: Simplifies the development process by avoiding workarounds like modifying database values.

Good idea. Especially useful in multi-language application, you end up with different sort-order per language when using the translation:


  1. Average
  2. Bad
  3. Good


  1. Gemiddeld
  2. Goed
  3. Slecht


  1. Durchschnitt
  2. Gut
  3. Schlecht


  1. Bon
  2. Mauvais
  3. Moyenne


Hi all,

The current domain settings allow for domains to be sorted on their translation or their order number.

Often, the order number of an (integer) domain element is set up to be equal to the database value. This might give off the impression that domains with elements are sorted on their database value.

However, it actually sorts on the order number of the element. You can use this to deviate the order of the domain elements exactly as described in this idea.


It is indeed true that the order no and database value are different things, and that you can use the order no to deviate from the database value, as requested in your original idea. Considering this, I will close your idea for now.
