Use uploaded images/icons in maps HTML pop-up template

Related products: Windows GUI

Users can upload their own logos or icons for a relation (company or person) within the software.

We’ve tried to visualize these social media icons and logos in the maps component HTML pop-up template. The icons are retrieved in an underlying view based on the data in the table ‘relation’ and added as an url to the HTML body of the pop-up.

Unfortunately uploaded icons are not shown via the Windows GUI with Indicium. Also because the icons are uploaded to a fileshare where only the application pool user has read/write rights.

It would be nice if uploaded logos/icons could be viewed within the Maps HTML pop-up template.


Hi K.Bakkenes,

Would it be an option to store the images in the database, so you can include the Base64 image data in the HTML?

For example by using an expression column as the HTML Popup Column of the maps component, with a SQL expression like this:

'<div><h1>' + t1.title_column + '</h1>
<img src="data:image/png;base64,'
+ cast('' as xml)
.value('xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary(sql:column("t1.image_data")))', 'nvarchar(max)')
+ '"/>


Hi Jasper,

thank you for your suggestion. I tested it and everything seems to work fine. The logo is shown in the HTML pop-up template of the Maps component and is also visible in a form.|

Image is shown in HTML pop-up template
The form of the ‘Relation’ table still shows the image in the ‘Image upload’ column


Hi Jasper,

we've already applied the solution to an image upload domain but we also like to change multiple existing filesystem uploads to database storage.
Does the SF automatically convert filesystem files to a database storage varbinary field?
If not, is there an easy way to do this? I’m assuming that Thinkwise (PI) also applied a method to convert every SF image to database storage in the transition to SF 2020.2.

Hi K., 

For the SF and IAM we have added (dynamically generated) process flows to upload files into the database, using recursive Read file connectors.

The process flow looks like this:

Process flow to upload files into the database

The file content is saved to the database using the process flow procedure of the Read file actions and looks like this:

create procedure prc_flow_upload_meta_files_to_db_read_file_tab_icon
-- Process variables
@file_data file_data output,
@file_path file_path output,
@pk_col_1 pk_col output,
@pk_col_2 pk_col output,
@pk_col_3 pk_col output,
@pk_col_4 pk_col output,
@pk_col_5 pk_col output,
@pk_col_6 pk_col output,
@pk_col_7 pk_col output,
@project_id project_id output,
@project_vrs_id project_vrs_id output,
@row_no row_no output,
@status_code status_code output,

-- Next process actions
@read_file_tab_icon_stop int output,
@read_file_tab_icon_read_file_tab_icon int output

declare @temp_row_no int

-- Reset file path variable
set @file_path = null

if @row_no is null
set @row_no = 0

-- Replace the file path with the file name and upload data to the data col
if @file_data is not null
update t
set icon = case
when icon like '%\%' then right(icon, charindex('\', reverse(icon)) -1)
else icon
icon_data = @file_data
from tab t
where project_id = @pk_col_1
and project_vrs_id = @pk_col_2
and tab_id = @pk_col_3
-- If no file data was found the path could not be read. Show a message in the panel.
-- Don't show message for first run of the process action since the file data will always be empty
if @row_no > 0
declare @msg_param varchar(400)
set @msg_param = '<tab tabid="tab" transl="standard"></tab>'
exec tsf_send_message 'upload_file_to_db_unsuccessful', @msg_param, 0

-- Reset file_data variable
set @file_data = null

-- Select the first row that still contains a file path
select top 1
@pk_col_1 = t.project_id,
@pk_col_2 = t.project_vrs_id,
@pk_col_3 = t.tab_id,
@file_path = t.icon,
@temp_row_no = t.row_no
row_number() over (order by
) as row_no
from tab
where icon is not null
and project_id = @project_id
and project_vrs_id = @project_vrs_id
) as t
where t.row_no > @row_no
and t.icon like '%\%'

-- If the row number was not incremented we can assume the last row has been reached
if @temp_row_no > @row_no
set @row_no = @temp_row_no
set @row_no = null

-- If the last row is reached go to the next process action and reset the row number variable
if @row_no is null
set @read_file_tab_icon_stop = 1
set @read_file_tab_icon_read_file_tab_icon = 0
set @row_no = 0
-- If a file path is found do the same action again for the next row
set @read_file_tab_icon_stop = 0
set @read_file_tab_icon_read_file_tab_icon = 1


This code recursively retrieves the first row from the specified table (tab) that contains a full path (backslash) in the icon name, reads the file and the saves the data into the icons data field.

I have also attached the dynamic model code to generate the Read file actions and the control procedure + template to generate the process flow procedures. You’ll have to create the process flow and add the other steps and required process variables by hand first. 

Hi Jasper,

I've recreated the process flow in my branch. With a few tweaks the process flow (and procedure) worked like a charm. 

Thanks for the help!
